Niche breakdowns
Imagine a system that automatically parses outliers & channels data to detect breakout niches. You then could explore this breakdown niches, by searching relevant niche metrics. Such as: - Saturation - Total views volume - Top outliers (recent) - Top channels - Top breakout channels - Title formats - Audience insights
Antonio 21 days ago
Niche breakdowns
Imagine a system that automatically parses outliers & channels data to detect breakout niches. You then could explore this breakdown niches, by searching relevant niche metrics. Such as: - Saturation - Total views volume - Top outliers (recent) - Top channels - Top breakout channels - Title formats - Audience insights
Antonio 21 days ago
Exclude specific niche categories from search (ex: music)
Quickly exclude categories from search results so we can filter out music channels, news channels or content we want to ignore
Antonio 23 days ago
Exclude specific niche categories from search (ex: music)
Quickly exclude categories from search results so we can filter out music channels, news channels or content we want to ignore
Antonio 23 days ago